Rates and Fees
Owning and maintaining a BPI Credit Card is easy and affordable.
Save while you shop abroad
Enjoy great deals on dining, hotels, resorts, fitness studios, and wellness centers, all year round
For every Php 20 spend and use points to redeem miles, shopping credits, or gift certificates from premium merchants
1. One (1) photo-bearing and unexpired identification documents (front and back copy):
2. Proof of income or copy of your credit card statement from another bank.
The annual membership fee is free on the first year and Php 5,500 on the second year and onwards.
Choose from a wide range of rewards that include travel, shopping, dining, leisure, and relaxation.
Download the Vybe app and redeem a wide range of eGCs for travel, shopping, dining, or leisure.
For other rewards such as miles, shopping credits, investment top-ups, or if you want to use your points to pay for your annual membership fee, you may redeem these through the following:
1. Call our 24-hour BPI Contact Center at (+632)889-10000
2. Send a message via Contact Us
Simply call our 24-hour BPI Contact Center at (+632) 889-10000 (for all areas, with the 02 area code) or 1-800-188-89100 (domestic toll-free for PLDT) or (+632) 889-10000 and submit your Itinerary Receipt (travel ticket) with the following transaction details:
a. Credit card type
b. Credit card number
c. Transaction date and amount
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