There's so much you can do with VYBE
Wallet icon

Add money from your BPI account

Enjoy free add money and cash out to and from your linked BPI account.

Scan icon

Send and request money

Send and request money from other VYBE app users for free.

Money transfer icon

Receive funds from other banks and E-Wallets

Fund your VYBE E-Wallet with money received from other local banks and E-Wallets.

qr code

Scan to Pay QR Ph merchants

Scan the merchant’s QR Ph code when you shop and dine.

Monthly bills

Pay monthly bills

Settle your water, electricity, utilities, and other bills with ease.

cardless withdrawal

Cardless withdrawals

Get cash even without your ATM card.

Rewards icon

Earn points and redeem rewards

Earn BPI Rewards Points and redeem exciting rewards from our partner merchants.

Learn more about its features

Take a closer look at VYBE's features. We know you'll find them helpful, hassle-free, and absolutely rewarding!

Add and send money

Add money from your BPI account and send money to other VYBE users for free.

Scan to pay

Go cashless when you scan the merchant’s QR Ph code to pay for your purchases.

Pay bills with VYBE

Use VYBE to pay your monthly bills with ease.

Cardless Withdrawal

Withdraw cash at select BPI and Euronet ATMs without the need of an ATM card.

Pay with VYBE eWallet

Earn points when you avail of BPI’s products and services, and redeem exciting rewards.

Use VYBE to earn more points

Get BPI Rewards Points on your first add money, send money, and scan to pay transaction on the VYBE app.

Download the VYBE app now

Get the VYBE app on your Android or iOS device.

Watch out for the launch of more features
Prepaid loading icon

Prepaid loading

VYBE Marketplace icon

VYBE Marketplace

Frequently asked questions



Saver Plus

A savings account that rewards you now while you save for your future.

BPI Online

Learn how to register using your deposit, loan, or credit card account in BPI Online.

Discover online banking


Bank whenever you are with the BPI Mobile app.

Partner apps and websites

Fulfill everyday payments with your BPI Online account.

Through ATM/CAMs

Withdraw, deposit, repeat. It's easy to find and use our ATMs and Cash Acceptance Machine.
Need more help?

Get all the help for your banking needs.
