If you have applied for your credit card online and will not be physically present to receive your card, an authorized form is needed for your representative to receive your card on your behalf.
1. Download the BPI Cards Authorization form.
2. Fill-out the BPI Card Authorization form and provide a copy of your ID along with the ID of your representative.
3. Upon delivery of the card, the authorized representative must submit the following to the courier:
- Completely filled out BPI Cards Authorization form
- Original copy and photocopy of the cardholder's ID
- Original copy and photocopy of the representative's ID
When will I need the authorization form?
Where can I get the authorization form?
What does my representative need to present to the courier to receive the credit card on my behalf?
Your representative will need to present the following to the courier:
1. Completely filled out BPI Cards Authorization form
2. Original copy and photocopy of the cardholder's ID
3. Original copy and photocopy of the representative's ID
The original IDs will only be presented to the courier for validation.
Who can I assign as a representative?
Anyone from your household, as long as he/she has a valid ID which he/she can present to the courier.
What are the valid IDs that can be presented to the courier?
The following photo-bearing primary IDs can be presented to the courier:
a. Unexpired Passport
b. Unexpired Driver’s License
c. Senior Citizen ID
d. Postal ID
e. Voter's ID
f. Barangay ID/ Certification
g. Philhealth Card
h. Alien Certificate of Registration (ACR) / Immigrant Certificate of Registration (ICR)
i. Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) ID
j. Company ID (with signature and photo)
k. GSIS e-Card or SSS Card
l. Valid National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Clearance
m. Government ID
o. Police Clearance
p. Seaman's Book