BPI’s latest advertising campaign on Sustainability encourages clients to make meaningful choices that will allow them to achieve their goals and support a bigger purpose. From going paperless whenever you withdraw from an ATM to choosing to bank digitally, and supporting green savings and investment products, the campaign promotes the small steps that we can do today that will support a sustainable tomorrow.

It's easy to make sustainable choices whenever you bank with BPI. We invite you to spot the seal and get to know what we can do together to make a difference.

The vibrant hues signify BPI’s commitment to a better, more prosperous, and more sustainable tomorrow.

- Represents sustainability, health, and growth

- Represents optimism

- Represents excitement and energy


- Represents creativity and success

- Represents wisdom

Whenever you see the seal marked on select BPI products and services, sustainability content online, and soon, with our partners, you know you’re one step closer to living more sustainably every day. Look for the BPI Sustainability Seal by searching for #BPISustainablewithYou or visit BPI’s official social media accounts to know more.


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