Christmas season in the Philippines means that malls, restaurants, groceries, and banks are likely packed. If you are the type who tries to avoid the huge crowds this time of the year, then fret not, as BPI’s different digital services and products are here to make your holiday season more convenient.
There’s no better time to do your shopping than in December. After all, this month tends to have endless bazaars and sales in malls all over the metro. If you’re planning to shop for Christmas gifts that you can give to your inaanaks, officemates, family, and friends, here’s a pro-tip! Use your BPI Credit Card when you make purchases! Doing so will make your shopping more convenient. And if you’re the type who wants to use your debit account, then the BPI app is available for that cashless feature as well.
Apply for a BPI Credit Card today.
Now if you haven’t found the perfect gift yet, then giving a digital pamasko might be the best way to go. Traditionally, ninongs and ninangs who used to give money inserted into angpaos as Christmas presents. Nowadays, there’s a digital option via BPI QR Codes, which makes sending easier.
Learn how to create your BPI QR code here.
If you’re a regular BPI Card user throughout the year, then most likely you have already amassed a ton of rewards points which can be accessed through the VYBE by BPI app. These rewards can be in the form of discount vouchers from The Bistro Group and Power Mac Center, as well as raffle entries for different BPI promos such as the Singapore Weekend Getaway to name only a few.
Learn more about VYBE here.
If it’s still unavoidable for you to visit a BPI branch, you can make your visit more efficient and hassle-free by using the BPI Express Assist (BEA). For those with BPI online accounts, you can actually schedule your personal bank visits online on the BPI website with the BPI Express Assist (BEA). Under the BEA, any transactions that involve deposits, withdrawals, encashments, or bill payments will let you set an appointment on your desired schedule prior to heading over to the bank. You can also book up to five transactions within the same appointment. On the day of the appointment, just wait for your Electronic Queue Number to be called to proceed with your banking agenda. This is beneficial for those who have a jam-packed schedule but need to visit a bank to do their transactions.
Set your branch appointments with BEA today.