If your Robinsons Bank housing loan / auto loan / motorcycle loan account has not yet been integrated with BPI, you can continue paying through any Robinsons Bank branch and online channels.
If you are using your Robinsons Bank deposit account as settlement account (SETA) for your Robinsons Bank housing loan / auto loan / motorcycle loan payments via auto-debit arrangement (ADA):
1) Your housing loan / auto loan / motorcycle loan account will be updated with a new BPI loan account number on the same effective date as your new BPI account number.
2) Your payments will start to be debited from your new BPI SETA.
If your housing loan / auto loan / motorcycle loan is not enrolled in ADA and your loan payments are done through Robinsons Bank branches and other channels, you will receive a notification on the effective date of your housing loan’s integration with BPI so that you can start transacting with BPI branches or other BPI channels for your payments.
You will be notified and updated on changes regarding your housing loan prior to integration with BPI.