Benefits to your company
 Improved relationship with suppliers icon

Improved relationship with suppliers

Have a smooth and convenient way to work with your suppliers especially in terms of payment.

 Negotiable terms with suppliers icon

Negotiable terms with suppliers

Allows your company to negotiate improved terms with your suppliers to either extend payment terms and/or reduce your cost of goods sold.

Benefits to your suppliers
Access to cheaper funding icon

Access to cheaper funding that is also off-balance sheet

Selling eligible receivables to BPI is a cheaper source of funding versus an outright loan because the rate will be based on the buyer's credit worthiness.

Does not affect existing credit lines icon

Does not affect company's existing credit lines

Selling eligible receivables to BPI is not a loan and will not affect the suppliers' credit line with BPI or other banks.

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Related information

Maxi One

A card-based all-in-one account that combines the features of a savings and a checking account


A card-based savings account that lets you earn more as you save more. Get an additional 0.125
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