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Get rewards with a BPI Ka-Negosyo ALL-IN Bundle

Apply for a BPI Ka-Negosyo Loan bundled with BPI BizLink and insurance to earn Php 500 vouchers.

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Special Rewards for Your Business

Add more BPI solutions for business and unlock more rewards.

Promo mechanics


Ka-Negosyo ALL- IN Bundles and Add-Ons

BPI Solution


Timeline of Availment

Basic Bundle

BPI Ka Negosyo Loan

(Ka-Negosyo Credit Line/ SME Loan/ Ready Loan)*


*Loan application must be approved and booked to be eligible for the reward

Php 500 gift certificate

Within 3 months to complete all 3 BPI solutions

BPI AIA Credit Life Insurance / Employee Benefit

BPI BizLink

Add-On: Cash Management Solution

New Corporate Deposit Account (BPI Maxi-One Checking Account with Statement)

Interest earning checking account with required ADB of Php 25,000 and above.

*Visit the BPI Maxi One page on the BPI website to learn more

Within 6 months to avail at least 1 add-on

BPI BizLink + Payroll

100 free BPI BizLink Payroll entitlements per month – with no expiration.

Discounted transaction fees in excess of free entitlements: Php 10 per transaction or payroll credit

Add-On: Other SME Solution

BPI Forex

Special Preferential Rate for BPI Forex transactions

Within 6 months to avail at least 1 add-on

Add-On: Top Up Ka-Negosyo Loan

Add another Ka-Negosyo Loan (Ka-Negosyo Credit Line/ SME Loan/ Ready Loan)

Discounted fees*


*based on available Ka-Negosyo Loan promo mechanics

Within 12 months to avail at least 1 add-on

Top Up Ka-Negosyo Credit Line amount upon renewal


General Policies

1. These Terms and Conditions govern the BPI Business Banking Ka Negosyo ALL-IN Bundle for all qualified registered business customers, who meet the eligibility requirements prescribed hereunder.

2. The BPI Business Banking Agreement and Supplemental Terms and Conditions, Terms and Conditions governing the use of BPI’s Products, Services, Facilities and Channels, and the BPI Data Privacy Statement, are hereby incorporated by reference and shall form an integral part hereof.


Eligibility and Participation

1. The program will run from January 16, 2025 to August 31, 2025 (program period), and shall be open to all BPI Business Banking business customers who will apply for any BPI Ka-Negosyo Loan with the bundled and add-on solutions as prescribed by the program.

2. To qualify for the Basic Bundle reward of Php 500 gift certificate, the business customer must complete all three products within a 3-month period upon loan application.

  • BPI Ka-Negosyo Loan*

*Loan application must be approved and booked to be eligible for the reward

  • BPI AIA Credit Life Insurance / Employee Benefits
  • BPI Bizlink

3. To qualify for the Cash Management Solution Add-On reward, a business customer must open a New Corporate Deposit Account (Maxi One Checking Account With Statement) or avail of BPI BizLink Payroll facility within a 6-month period upon completing the Basic Bundle.


  • A business customer must have completed the Ka-Negosyo ALL-IN Basic Bundle within the 3-month period.
  • After the 3-month period to complete the Basic Bundle, the business customer will have an additional 6-month period to open a BPI Maxi One Checking Account with Statement or avail of the BPI BizLink Payroll facility.
  • The business customer will receive 100 free BPI BizLink Payroll entitlements per month with no expiration. In excess of the free 100 entitlements, the eligible business will enjoy a discounted fee of Php 10 per transaction or payroll credit.

4. To qualify for the SME Solutions Add-On reward, the business customer must avail of a BPI Forex solution within the 6-month period upon completing the Basic Bundle.  


  • A business customer must have completed the Ka-Negosyo ALL-IN Basic Bundle within the 3-month period.
  • After the 3-month period to complete the Basic Bundle, the business customer will have an additional 6-month period to avail of a BPI Forex solution.
  • The business customer will receive special preferential rates with BPI Forex transactions.

5. To qualify for the Top Up Ka-Negosyo Loan Add-On reward, the business customer must apply for another BPI Ka-Negosyo Loan or increase its existing BPI Ka-Negosyo Credit Line amount upon renewal.


  • A business customer must have completed the Ka-Negosyo ALL-IN Bundle within the 3-month period.
  • After the 3-month period to complete the Basic Bundle, the business customer will have an additional 12-month period to apply for another Ka-Negosyo Loan (Credit Line / SME Loan / Ready Loan), or increase its Ka-Negosyo Credit Line upon renewal.
  • The business customer will receive rewards based on the available and prevailing BPI Ka-Negosyo Loan promos applicable during the time of availment.


Rewards and Redemption

1. The business customer who completes the Ka-Negosyo ALL-IN Basic Bundle within the 3-month period will receive one (1) gift certificate worth Php 500. Kindly note that the BPI Ka-Negosyo Loan application must be approved and booked to be eligible for the reward.

2. Additional rewards for Cash Management Solutions, SME Solutions and Top Up Ka-Negosyo Loan Add-Ons will be granted to eligible business customers upon availment of the participating products and upon completion of their respective requirements.

3. Eligible business customers shall be notified through phone call, electronic mail, or such other electronic transmission including SMS, which BPI, at its option, considers appropriate and effective, and the proof of service of which is capable of verification. Said notice shall include instructions on how to redeem the rewards.

4. All terms and conditions relating to the use of gift certificate, facility or service granted as a reward to the eligible business customer per participating product shall apply.

Terms and conditions
Frequently asked questions
Customer support


For inquiries and comments, please send us a message or call our 24-hour BPI Contact Center at (+632) 889-10000 or our BPI Business Banking hotline (+632) 7918-2000 and Press 2 for Business Loans.

Related information

Ka-Negosyo SME Loan

Grow your business with a loan ideal for working capital financing, supplier payments

Ka-Negosyo Credit Line

Support your business with a credit line facility able to finance on the spot

Ka-Negosyo Ready Loan

Ideal for businesses with seasonal funding needs.

Ka-Negosyo SME Loan for Property Acquisition

Ideal for acquisition or construction of property assets for your business.
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